Putting Educational
Excellence First.

“I collaborate with parents, teachers, and staff to drive
educational excellence in Del Mar.” – Alan Kholos
Dear Neighbor.
I’m delighted to run for the DMUSD School Board of Trustees – and continue the important work for Del Mar’s children. I was first elected to the board in 2012 and appointed in 2023 to serve a partial term.
Collaboration to improve education for our children.
Throughout my time on the School Board, I’ve worked collaboratively with parents, teachers and administrators to resolve issues facing DMUSD. It’s the same approach I’ve used successfully for decades in business.
I bring together stakeholders, ground them in our common goals, moderate discussions to identify priorities for each stakeholder, and lead the group to develop solutions that balance our needs and objectives.
This approach of working collaboratively on the DMUSD board has already seen positive results.
- Quarterly round table meetings with PTA presidents to stay connected to each individual school’s needs.
- Reduced special education legal fees that have cost the district significant amount and are now in line with other neighboring districts.
- Established a district-wide council of parents whose children benefit from special education, providing a forum for sharing support and insights about the IEP process, and to ensure representation on the board; superintendent approved.
- Student participation in board meetings to transform the board room into a classroom and remind the Board that students and education are a business of our families.
Neighborhood schools are core to our community
As the parent of two DMUSD graduates, I have enormous pride in the quality education we deliver. It’s the very foundation that sets our children up for life. Our nationally-recognized neighborhood schools are also the heart of our community. Maintaining my position on the school board enables me to continue driving excellence in public education through a focus on students, families, teachers, and the community itself.
Goals, strategies and relentless fiscal discipline
I think of our educational system as a social enterprise. Our families, teachers and school staff are our customers. Just like organizations operate with goals, strategies, and within budgets, the same is true for DMUSD. During my years on the district board, my focus has been responsible budgeting and strategic resource allocation to ensure low class sizes, the best teachers and a rigorous curriculum that reaches every child.
One of the most challenging aspects of being a DMUSD leader is navigating the inevitable tradeoffs. Here’s how I will approach several of them that are on our minds.
- Focus on STEAM+, critical to staying competitive in this era of technology. To accomplish this shared specialists and/or special programs may need crafting and consideration.
- The relationship between class size and budget is an ongoing balancing act, yet important to the individualized attention our students need. I will continue to advocate for small class sizes.
Grounded in family, service, and education
My wife, Tina, and I have lived in Carmel Valley since 2000. We raised our two children here and they attended the Sycamore Ridge, Ocean Air and Ashley Falls schools before attending Canyon Crest Academy. Their public education was an exceptional foundation for them as it was for me.
I had exposure to many more public schools than most, having grown up around the world in an Air Force family. I started my career in the United States Air Force developing educational software and training instructors, then pursued multiple degrees in Engineering (UCLA), Business (Embry-Riddle) and Law (Loyola).
I have applied this education in leadership roles in the fields of healthcare, defense, communications and software. And these leadership skills I developed in business and government service enable me to promote the best practices of education at DMUSD.
Please help me continue to put educational excellence first and ensure we as taxpayers get the full value of our investment. I humbly ask for your vote to continue serving you on the Del Mar Union School District Board of Trustees.
Key Endorsements
- Six Board Presidents of Del Mar Union School District
- Multiple former and current PTA Presidents
- Multiple Special Education families
- Chair of University of California Board of Regents & Former Board President of Solana Beach Union School District (Rich Leib)
- Del Mar California Teachers Association (DMCTA)
About Alan
Alan grew up around the world in an Air Force family. He and his wife, Tina, have lived in Carmel Valley since 2000. Their children attended the Sycamore Ridge, Ocean Air and Ashley Falls schools. Tina (RN/MPH) worked at Ocean Air for five years and continues her work as a health educator.
Alan attended public schools throughout the U.S. He earned his BS in Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles; MBA from Embry-Riddle, and JD from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.
Alan’s background is in engineering, business and law. As a military officer, he served with the U.S. Air Force’s Education & Training Command developing computer-based training software, and the U.S. Air Force’s Space & Missile Systems Center (the predecessor to the U.S. Space Force) supporting development of satellites, launch vehicles and communications systems. As a corporate attorney at international law firms and companies, he has worked in the areas of wireless communication, financial software, medical devices and biotechnology. Alan has served in a variety of business roles for local companies, including Becton Dickinson, and is the Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel for a BioPharma company headquartered in Carmel Valley.
Community Service
Alan received his regular commission in the U.S. Air Force, and served on active duty for 7 years. He also served as a judicial law clerk to a U.S. District Court judge. Alan previously served on the executive board of a non-profit religious institution in Carmel Valley. He continues to provide pro bono legal services to local charitable organizations, and is a member of the board of the San Diego Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel. Alan is a member of the American Legion and Military Order of World Wars.
Alan was first elected to the Board of Trustees in November 2012, and was appointed in April 2023 to serve the remainder of a term through December 2024.
As your public servant, I promise to make myself available to you.
I would be honored for the opportunity to serve you and I humbly ask for your vote.
Contact Alan:
[email protected]

Thank You for your support!